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Dependence on Under-Coordinated Pt at the Surface of Layered PtTe2 in the Decomposition of Methanol 1.77 MB 49 downloads

Dependence on Under-Coordinated Pt at the Surface of Layered PtTe2 in the Decomposition...

Rapid oxygen exchange between hematite and water vapor 3.33 MB 22 downloads

Rapid oxygen exchange between hematite and water vapor ...

Thioethylpyrrole Monolayers on Gold. A Spectroscopic Study in Ultrahigh Vacuum 420.33 KB 49 downloads

Thioethylpyrrole Monolayers on Gold. A Spectroscopic Study in Ultrahigh Vacuum. ...

Thermal Reactions of Methanethiol and Ethanethiol on Si(100) 145.58 KB 44 downloads

Thermal Reactions of Methanethiol and Ethanethiol on Si(100). ...

Thermal Reaction of Trimethylphosphine and Triethylphosphine on Cu(110) 100.53 KB 44 downloads

Thermal Reaction of Trimethylphosphine and Triethylphosphine on Cu(110). ...

The Reactions of Acetone with the Surfaces of Uranium Dioxide Single Crystal and Thin Film 903.89 KB 44 downloads

The reactions of acetone with the surfaces of uranium dioxide single crystal and...

Structure and Reaction of Oxametallacycles Derived from Styrene Oxide on Ag(110) 636.52 KB 43 downloads

Structure and reaction of oxametallacycles derived from styrene oxide on Ag(110). ...

Reduction Kinetics of Graphene Oxide Determined by Electrical Transport Measurements... 1.84 MB 47 downloads

The thermal stability and reduction kinetics of graphene oxide were studied by measuring...

Reactions of Water and Ethanol with Polycrystalline TiC Surfaces 110.75 KB 41 downloads

Reactions of water and ethanol with polycrystalline TiC surfaces. ...

Reactions of Acetic Acid on UO2(111) Single Crystal Surfaces 92.04 KB 46 downloads

Reactions of acetic acid on UO2(111) single crystal surfaces. ...