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André Kayser will be representing Hiden Analytical at EFDS Workshop: Sputtering for Precision Optics II – Digital Transformation Driven Trends in the Coating Technology

Photonic technologies are revolutionizing digitalisation across various fields, impacting both technology and everyday life. Innovations in photonic sensors, integrated optics, and miniaturised optical systems are essential for new monitoring methods and process optimisation, driving the automation of industrial production.

The development of advanced optical systems requires precise and cost-effective manufacturing processes. This task is more complex than electronics production due to the diverse range of materials and functions involved. However, the integration of optical and electronic processes, such as Wafer Level Optics, is becoming increasingly common.

Innovative technologies for optical coatings, like anti-reflective layers and dielectric mirrors, are crucial for miniaturised optical systems and integrated optics. Sputtering technology, for example, allows for the precise application of coatings on various materials.

This upcoming workshop will showcase the latest trends in digitalisation-driven optical technologies. Learn how diverse coating materials can be efficiently applied to enhance optical systems, transforming industries and everyday life with photonic innovations. Join us to explore the future of photonic technologies.

 Join André at our booth.

◉ Location: Alzenau, Germany

Date & Time: 11-12 June 2024

Visit Conference Website: click here

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