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Flexible Solar Cell

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Depth profile through a Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) solar cell showing high dynamic range and good depth resolution.

The depth scale is left as analytical cycles, showing that high data density can be achieved even when a large number of elements are detected. The overall depth is around 4 microns.


Depth profile through a Copper Indium Gallium Selenide (CIGS) solar cell showing high dynamic range and good depth resolution.

The depth scale is left as analytical cycles, showing that high data density can be achieved even when a large number of elements are detected. The overall depth is around 4 microns.

Zinc in GaAs

Using caesium primary ions, the species of interest is measured as a molecule together with a Cs+ ion. For some elements, such as Zn, the ion ZnCs+ is actually more sensitive than detecting either Zn+ or Zn ions.

Further Reading


Inelastic ion-surface collisions: Understanding secondary emission of molecular ions 48.00 KB 0 downloads

Inelastic ion-surface collisions: Understanding secondary emission of molecular ions ...

Electronic Structure and Catalytic Study of Solid Solutions of GaN in ZnO 48.00 KB 0 downloads

Electronic Structure and Catalytic Study of Solid Solutions of GaN in ZnO ...

Towards an Understanding of MCs+n Formation Mechanism in SIMS 1.94 MB 65 downloads

Towards an understanding of MCs+n formation mechanism in SIMS. ...

Surface Analysis under Ambient Conditions Using Plasma-Assisted Desorption/Ionization... 330.25 KB 47 downloads

Surface Analysis under Ambient Conditions Using Plasma-Assisted Desorption/Ionization...

Surface Analysis by Secondary-Ion Mass Spectroscopy During Etching with Gas-Cluster Ion Beam 153.58 KB 59 downloads

Surface analysis by secondary-ion mass spectroscopy during etching with gas-cluster...

Sputter Depth Profiling by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Sample Current... 613.21 KB 52 downloads

Sputter depth profiling by secondary ion mass spectrometry coupled with sample current...

Preparation and Characterization of Antimony-Doped Tin Dioxide Electrodes. 3. XPS and... 109.76 KB 47 downloads

Preparation and Characterization of Antimony-Doped Tin Dioxide Electrodes. 3. XPS...

Preferential Oxygen-Trapping in Metallic Multilayers: A SIMS Perspective 1.94 MB 51 downloads

Preferential Oxygen-Trapping in Metallic Multilayers: A SIMS Perspective. ...

Plasma Implanted Ultra Shallow Junction Boron Depth Profiles: Effect of Plasma Chemistry... 618.05 KB 54 downloads

Plasma implanted ultra shallow junction boron depth profiles: Effect of plasma chemistry...

Mass-Resolved Ion Scattering Spectrometry for Characterization of Samples with Historical... 200.29 KB 47 downloads

Mass-resolved ion scattering spectrometry for characterization of samples with historical...